Mararikkulam North, Kerala, India – Sad Afternoon at the Beach

This was about as heartbreaking as can be.

There was a dead baby dolphin washed up on the beach.

We’re far from marine biologists, and unable to tell what killed this precious little sea mammal.

There were scratches on her little beaked nose.  Marks on her dorsal fin and pectoral flippers.

The beach is a fisherman’s beach. The waters off the beach are populated with fishing boats of all sizes and shapes.

My heart breaks with sadness in wondering if this little baby was caught in a fisherman’s net and drowned.

We’d just seen dolphins off the beach a few days before.  I can’t help but wonder if mom and baby were in the area recently? fullsizeoutput_9d2afullsizeoutput_9d2f

Olive started to bury the baby, by pushing sand with her nose. More so out of instinct like a dog burying a bone, I’m sure. But Michael and I would like to think that her motherly instincts took over and she started burying the baby out of sadness.


Video of Olive pushing sand over the dead baby dolphin.

Michael and I helped Olive bury the baby dolphin.


Michael, Olive, Popeye, Feisty, Yoda and I all stood at the little makeshift grave. Michael and I said a little eulogy.  Then a prayer, thanking the baby for her life and sending love and healing to her mama, who was probably missing her right now… <3

S, 🙁

ps….if you’re wondering who Olive, Popeye, Feisty and Yoda are, they are our local dog friends who hang out with us at the beach! In the below picture starting from the left is goofy Popeye, the little white dog laying down is Feisty, the big eared pup with Feisty is Yoda, and then gentle Olive! <3  Feisty and Yoda live at the beach. Popeye and Olive live with a woman near the beach.  These dogs have been our constant beach companions since we’ve arrived! 🙂


6 Comments Add yours

  1. tishmillette6067 says:

    Oh my goodness. Tears. Poor baby. You did her a solid with Olive. Thanks for the kindness to offer her a eulogy.

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    1. Yeah, it was pretty sad….Michael was the one who knelt down first beside Olive to help her….your brother has an amazing heart…. <3 <3 <3

  2. mama says:

    There are so many interactions in this very sad loss. The mourning mother dolphin 🐬still searching for her baby, the interaction of Olive with the baby went straight to my heart💔 and you and Michael helping out was wonderful in every way 🙏🏼. I would like to think the mother dolphin may have been watching all the care given to her baby by all of you. 💞

    1. Such a sweet thought mama! It would have been something ‘eh if she was watching us on the shore bury her baby… <3

  3. newblogger20 says:

    Omg 😭😭😭

    1. I know, so sad….. 🙁 🙁 🙁

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