Mararikulam, Kerala, India – Mararikulam Beach – Waves, Hot Sun, Garbage and a Curious Crow!

Michael and I returned to Mararikulam Beach the following day to play in the waves! Walking through the shanty huts selling various drinks, snacks and touristy items…. A young woman prepares a coconut for drinking: This area has a mix of Christian and Hindu religion. Not far from a Hindu shrine further up the beach…

Mararikkulam North, Kerala, India – Day 2 – Carnoustie Ayurveda & Wellness Resort

I started noticing how difficult it was for me to settle in such a peaceful environment. My norm is trying to find inner peace in a hectic, busy life.  But my reality here was the total opposite.  I was at a resort dedicated to stress relief, health, tranquility and peace. The silence allowed me to…